Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Isn't this a cool photo?

Tuesday March 29
There are balls of pollen being dropped outside of the entrance and I'm not sure why. This is my large hive.
Lots of activity on this warm day, over 60 degrees and sunny.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Et tu Brute?

Yes, it is the Ides of March.
Mark helped me with the small hive - we smoked it and put a new box on the bottom so the bees have somewhere to expand.
All's good.
It cooled off again and is going to be windy tomorrow March 16.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday March 8, 2016 70 degrees

A new record and the bees were all over again.
Just a little update - it will cool off over the next few days and then warm again by the weekend.
I took the covers off today.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

WOW - I can't believe how many bees were out today

It was up to 56 degrees today, wait til you see these photos and videos:
small hive:
 big hive:
 big hive, up close: