The sugar syrup (1:1) is mixed and in my feeder bottles as well as my spray bottle.
Here are photos and videos of the preparations!
My assembled hive with feeder box on top of 2 top bar boxes:
The inside of the feeder box - the inverter syrup jars go in those holes:
A comb from the top box:
The other side of the same comb - the capped cells on the upper left are honey comb:
These videos explain my hive boxes:
These two videos show how the bottom board is all chewed up:
I saw your posting in the warebeekeeping group. I installed my first ever box of bees into my first ever bee hive (a homebuilt Warre). I live in Maine, which probably experiences the same brutal winters as you do in Minnesota. Spring is extremely slow in coming this year and there have been very few sunny days since my bees took up residence and it's been cool and damp overall. Everything is a huge question mark so appreciate the ware group and now your blog. Thanks, Jinger