We celebrated VE Day and the Liberation Festival in Pilsen from 1-6 May then we were in Prague for the last two days, including 8 May (official VE Day).
Anyway, there was too much laundry, mail, jet lag to check my hives other than I filled one of my syrup jars.
Today, it is cool, windy but I needed to check the pollen patties and replenish the remaining 3 (quart) jars of 1:1 sugar syrup. Of course, my iPhone battery died after my first video and photo, so that will be all you see today! Then it started to rain when I opened the second hive.
So the first hive, both pollen patties were mere remnants, so put more on the bars of the second box (not top box because it pulls the cloth too much and then they will get into my feeder box). The second hive, there was still almost a whole pollen patty left, but I replenished with two more anyway - it's supposed to be cool and rainy the next few days. Jim Kloek (Stillwater, MN) keeps pollen patties on until the first week of June. Marla Spivak's notes (from the U of MN beekeeping course) just show pollen patties for two weeks when one first hives the packages. Well, hopefully, it can't hurt. Too late anyway, they're on.
I was considering looking at a comb but due to the weather, decided against it - I gently pulled back an edge of the top box's cloth and it's so intriguing to feel the heat emanate out of the hive. Thus I sealed it up quickly and let them be.
This is the "first" hive with the two new patties on (see the old ones?):
We hired someone to do a "prescribed burn" of our land ~12 acres before we left for the Czech, so this photo was 10 days ago:
This is the brief video as I opened hive one
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