Saturday, 27 May 2017
A beautiful day to get lots of outdoor tasks finished. After a week and a half of rain, it has dried out so the garden was finished today.
Hive A emptied their feeders, so after I replaced the duck cloth on both, I filled the feeders on both hives though there was still ~1/3 in Hive B in each bottle.
Lots of activity and pollen coming in - there are purple flowers all over the land and the workers are enjoying them.
Your blog is terrific! I keep bees in warre-like hives. I use 8 frame medium langstroth boxes, but I use top bars instead of frames, have a quilt, warre-style bottom board, etc. I manage the hives a lot like a warre, too. My bees are doing great, but I am a relatively new beekeeper. All my friends use standard bee keeping equipment and methods, so it is helpful to read the experiences of somebody else in a cold climate doing it similarly to me. Thank you!