Sunday, April 22, 2018

Reduced big hive A to 3 boxes from 5 and added feeder box

April 22, 2018
We got the smoker going. Checked Hive B, active, still has syrup in feeders.
Separated the bottom 2 boxes with the hive tool, then we smoked them and lifted the 3 top boxes (sans quilt box & roof & window covers - to reduce the weight) and moved them onto the small formica table. About 4 top bars with comb were stuck to the bottom of the 3rd box so Mark tipped them and I pulled out the top bars. We then transferred the top 3 boxes back onto the base (after I cleaned all of the dead bees off of the bottom screen) by holding the box handles with long pieces of wood (Mark's invention).
The mouse guards are still on.
The corks are in the escape holes.
I put sugar syrup in the feeders on top of Hive A (after I moved the pollen patty to the side away from the feeder holes).
All went well.
I hope Hive A can increase in numbers now that it has sugar syrup and pollen on top of it!

This is my newly packaged Hive B:

And this is my over wintered Hive A:

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