Monday, June 17, 2013

This video shows the parts of the hive, the quilt box and how the panels come off to expose the windows.
It was taken last Thursday and I checked them yesterday (barefoot and in a swimming suit - hahahaha) and shocked myself on the electric fence. I was grounding it since I was barefoot and when I opened the gate, the wire barely grazed me. Amazing how hard the shock can be from just 4 size D batteries.

So they are still building in the top box. Presumably the brood are getting ready - in fact, I think some should have hatched by now, I think it's about 3 weeks from egg to larva to bee. Also, if you can look closely, the bees that have the huge eyes - those are the drones!

Well, enjoy the video. The sawdust did feel a bit moist but not overly so. All's well with the Bigelow bees.

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